What do you want? Baldies? Blacks? Motleys? Come on out and start your selection now...

The group of black cross bred females were AI bred to John Wayne 44L and cleaned up with a John Wayne 44L son and Tank 165N3 son. These calves are bound to be packed with performance as all of these sires have impressive performance numbers, ranking in the top 10 in the Brangus breed in weaning weight and yearling weight.

The Hereford commercial females have also been AI bred to one of our best herd sires, New Direction 000M24. They were then pasture exposed to a New Direction 000M24 son and Watash son for clean up. Some of the first things you will notice about these calves will be their rib, depth and top.

The calves shown here were born in the Fall of 2008 but sure have weaned well and are growing out very nicely.