John Wayne 44L
We invested quite a bit in this proven Herd Sire but knew we were getting a champion because we had bred him successfully to three calf crops prior to buying him. We were already flat sold on what he did for us. Without bias I believe the record will show that since that time, more $ has been paid for other herd sires and even prospects but not one of them has matched what 44L has done and continues to do.
Look at the facts: He's got over 1,000 calves regsitered at IBBA. He currently ranks #13 in the entire Brangus breed for WW, #6 for YW, #6 for SC, #22 for REA and that Milk number will rebound over the next 12 months in the IBBA EPD sytem which temporarily weighs heavy against power-type bulls.
For the record, we average 75-83 lb. calves on 90% of his offspring. That is the God-honest truth. We've had one big calf over the past 5 years from him and in turn he's thrown us dozens of winners. He's already made an indellible mark on the TDR herd.
He has proven himself so may times over and is the definite powerhouse bull in the breed with incredible sons and excellent daughters. He is considered to have limitless breeding value indicated by his national breed ranking against all proven sires. Look for long sided, easy moving offspring with an extra classy look and always big tops and wide hip designs.

New Direction 000M24
When he came on the market we knew we had the perfect solution for our John Wayne daughters. Rib, depth and top, lots of it would be on our list of his trademarks. He probably is the most exciting sire of females we've seen in the business. Tracy Holbert aslways says he is the bull that is being used to “Put the Brangus Back in Brangus!”
As of this writing there are nearly 450 New Direction offspring recorded collectively earning him multiple trait leader status ranking #8 for weaning weight, #3 for yearling weight, #8 for SC and #22 for ribeye area EPDs. New Direction currently ranks in the breed’s top third for milk and top 3% for total maternal value. We also are strongly convinced New Direction will climb for marbling value with more IMF comparisons. We love this Herd Sire and look forward to sharing his sons and daughters with you!

"Tank" 165N3
Fleshing ability. He's flat got it... His Dam ~165K, the #1 Ranked Maternal Female in the entire breed sure has it. And there's plenty more... Loads of volume built on a great frame with dimension and yes he can throw the big calf but I will take that risk of one 90+ lb. calf for every 50 that come in at 80 lbs. with his genetic design.
He currently ranks #10 in WW, #8 in YW, #20 in Back Fat. Of all the bulls sold in 2004 across the entire Brangus breed Tank may have been the best. Tank is doing a great job in controlling frame and his offspring are eye candy with thickness, superior marbling, impressive thickness and overall soundness of structure. His dam is the great Summit Cow and donor, MC Ms News Man 165K, the cow that just happened to be the first News Man daughter ever sold when she brought $10,000 as a six month old heifer in the Mound Creek 2001 Female Sale.
The Tank offspring are impressive! The word has spread about the Tank offspring, particularly after seeing the great sons and daughters that he is siring around the country. We have used him on heifers but our recommendation is for use on mature cows.

Strike Zone 111S
We play a lot of baseball in our family and this stout cat would carry a heck of a pitching log... Why? Because everything about him is absolutely in the Strike Zone.
Phenotype, structure and all the numbers to boot. He starts out life at 78 lbs., weans at 723 (105 ratio), yearlings at 1223 (102 ratio), then scans a 15+ REA and a 4.376 IMF! And to keep our attention, he measures a perfect 35.5 scrotal. His 1.1 BW EPD is alluring and his top 1% Milk and 5% Maternal round out his genetic offering.
He's out of the Quiet Man 661 son who is a proven low birth weight solution for those of you who must have the calving ease bull while still maintaining genetic pop under the hood. Call us on him and we'll get you some semen!